English language, accredited study programmes, a 18-month stay back option and moderate living costs make Germany a great place to live and study.

Germany is one of the most popular study destinationals in the world
Germany welcomes international students
In a recent ranking compiled by Study.eu, Germany was deemed the most attractive study destination for international students in Europe. The high quality of the German tertiary education system, the amount of English-taught study programmes, and the moderate cost of living all contribute to Germany’s ranking as the most attractive country in Europe to study in. Low crime rates in general and a low unemployment rate for university graduates make the nation in the heart of Europe a perfect study location. In addition, graduates from German universities are eligible to apply for an 18-month residence permit that allows them to find a job in Germany after graduation. The German economy is heavily dependent on the immigration of skilled professionals. That means you have the right to a fast-track residence permit two years after you have completed your studies.
The German Higher Education System
There are around 400 state-recognised universities in Germany. These are divided into:
- Universities (Universitäten)
- Universities of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschulen)
- Schools of Art & Music
In Germany, universities (Universitäten) embody the traditional form of higher education and combine research and teaching. They often offer a wide range of subjects. Studying at universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen), on the other hand, is more practice-oriented. As a rule, universities of applied sciences are also very well networked with companies. The focus is on technology, business, design and the social sector. Art schools offer programmes in artistic and creative subjects such as visual art, music, graphic design, fashion design, film, etc. In order to qualify for these courses, students must pass an entrance examination.
Student visa and temporary stay options upon graduation
If you are not a citizen of the European Union, an EEA state or Switzerland, and you are planning to study in Germany, you must apply for a visa at the German Embassy in your home country BEFORE you come to Germany. Without proof of a valid study visa for Germany, universities are not allowed to enrol you. Please contact the German Embassy in your home country to find out whether you need a visa or not. A list of all German embassies and consulates with foreign offices is available here.
If you are a non-EU citizen, you can stay up to 18 months in Germany after you have graduated. These 18 months are for the purpose of finding a job. If you take up employment, you can also extend your stay. After two years of working, you can apply for a permanent residence permit. This is only available for students who have studied and graduated in Germany. Our on-campus career centres will be happy to inform you about the required documents. There are regular job fairs at each SRH Campus.